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The 11th International Edition of Blockchain Life 2023 will be held in Dubai on October 24–25 and will focus on Web3, cryptocurrencies, and mining

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    Blockchain Life 2023 Announces The 11th International Edition on Web3, Cryptocurrencies, and Mining to Take Place in Dubai on October 24-25

    Dubai, UAE, Oct. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blockchain Life, the renowned global event in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sphere, is back for its 11th international edition. Scheduled to take place on October 24-25, 2023, at the prestigious Dubai Festival Arena, this event is set to redefine the industry.

    Attracting crypto Whales from all corners of the globe, Blockchain Life 2023 has solidified its position as the ultimate global gathering for the cryptocurrency community. With an expected attendance of over 7,000 attendees from 120 countries , this year's event will bring together thought leaders, government officials, international corporate heads, investors, crypto aficionados, innovators, miners, blockchain developers, promising startup teams, and service providers.

    Sergei Khitrov, the visionary founder behind Blockchain Life, is eagerly anticipating this event, stating, "The UAE's proactive approach to crypto adoption marks a significant milestone for the global crypto community, offering startups and entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to explore the potential of Web3. Blockchain Life serves as the ideal platform for the brightest minds and boldest ideas in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space to connect, share insights, and learn from some of the industry's most prominent figures. Blockchain Life 2023 is poised to leave an indelible mark on the cryptocurrency landscape."

    This year's Blockchain Life promises to be a convergence of the brightest minds and boldest ideas in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space."

    Some of the other Prominent Speakers

    • Justin Sun (Founder of TRON)
    • Yat Siu (Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Animoca Brands)
    • Dr. Marwan Alzarouni (CEO of Dubai Blockchain Center)
    • Eowyn Chen (CEO of Trust Wallet)
    • Sergei Khitrov (Founder of Listing.Help, Jets.Capital and Blockchain Life)
    • Paolo Ardoino (Chief Technology Officer of Tether and Bitfinex)
    • Miriam Kiwan (Vice President at Circle)
    • Xinxi Wang (Co-Founder of Litecoin Foundation)
    • Nischal Shetty (CEO of Shardeum, CEO of WazirX)
    • Alexander Chehade (General Manager of Binance)
    • Fred Thiel (Chairman and CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings)

    What Else to Expect:

    • Over 130 leading companies at the expo, including WhatsMiner, Canaan, OKX, KuCoin, Bitmain, Bitdeer, and more
    • Startup Pitch with Tier-1 funds as jury and attendees in the conference hall
    • A unique online app for finding contacts and job opportunities in the crypto industry - Networking 2.0
    • A legendary afterparty at one of the world's best clubs
    • One of the largest independent awards - Blockchain Life Awards 2023
    • A plethora of side events around the event dates

    For further information , registration and ticket  details, please visit:

    About Blockchain Life
    The legendary event, also known as Crypto Whales Meeting point, takes place for 11th time on October 24-25 in Dubai, Festival Arena. The forum gathers over 7000 attendees, 80 famous speakers and 3000 companies. Industry leaders meet here to discuss upcoming bull market trends, make exclusive deals, and learn insider information from each other.
    Explore the future of Web3 and cryptocurrencies, while enjoying luxurious networking with Crypto Whales from all over the world.

    Social links:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blockchain_life_forum/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWmwg8fsoOXmW0-xAFXFeWQ/featured

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlLife_Forum

    Telegram: https://t.me/blockchainlifeEN

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@blockchain_life_2023

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchainlife2023/


    Media Contact:
    [email protected]


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    Author: Daryl Reynolds

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    Name: Daryl Reynolds

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    Introduction: My name is Daryl Reynolds, I am a frank, expert, treasured, sincere, fearless, Precious, unguarded person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.