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The astounding prediction for the price of bitcoin was revealed to be $1 million by 2030

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    I write about how bitcoin, crypto and blockchain can change the world.



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    Bitcoin BTC has suffered a catastrophic crash over the last year, with the bitcoin price plummeting over 75% from its all-time high—despite industry leaders creating a controversial crypto rescue fund.

    Subscribe now to Forbes' CryptoAsset & Blockchain Advisor and successfully navigate the latest bitcoin and crypto market crash

    The bitcoin price has been hit by shock exchange collapses and a looming regulatory crackdown, wiping around $2 trillion from the combined crypto market that some think is "headed for oblivion."

    Now, one of the most bullish bitcoin voices has issued a huge bitcoin price prediction, forecasting the bitcoin price will explode to a massive $1 million per bitcoin by 2030 even as another crisis threatens to engulf the crypto market.

    It's in a brutal bear market that you need up-to-date information the most! Sign up now for the free CryptoCodexA daily newsletter for traders, investors and the crypto-curious that will keep you ahead of the market

    MORE FROM FORBESElon Musk Has Issued A Surprise 2023 Bitcoin And Dogecoin Prediction After Huge FTX Crypto Price CrashBy Billy Bambrough

    year, wiping out confidence in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    "We think bitcoin is coming out of this smelling like a rose," Ark Investment Management chief executive Cathie Wood told Bloomberg, following the sudden implosion of major bitcoin and crypto exchange FTX this month.

    Bitcoin proponents have maintained that bitcoin is uniquely insulated from the current crypto crisis, arguing its decentralized nature and fixed supply of 21 million bitcoins sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies and the problems facing crypto companies.

    "You need to go through crises to see the survivors and battle test the infrastructure and the thesis," Wood said.

    Ark, a major supporter of Elon Musk's Tesla and other high-growth technology stocks, has made big bets on bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies and crypto companies in recent years, doubling down during this year's brutal bear market.

    Wood also predicted institutional investors that have been waiting on the sidelines of the bitcoin and crypto market for years will eventually feel able to take the plunge into bitcoin and even ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency after bitcoin.

    "Once they actually do the homework and see what's happened here, I think they might actually be more comfortable moving into bitcoin, and perhaps ether, as a first stop because they'll understand it more," Wood said.

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    MORE FROM FORBES'Dot-Com Era On Steroids'-Here's How Bad The $2.2 Trillion Bitcoin And Crypto FTX Price Crash Could GetBy Billy Bambrough

    bitcoin this year, plummeting from almost $70,000 in 2021, but some are predicting a bitcoin price comeback.

    Forbes Digital Assets

    This week, the bitcoin price has struggled to rebound following its FTX-induced crash this month, with market watchers forecasting "big players" could forget about bitcoin for "a few years" due to the failure of FTX and other big crypto companies.

    "Bitcoin has failed to exploit the inverted head-and-shoulders pattern fully," FxPro senior market analyst Alex Kuptsikevich said in an emailed note, pointing to technical bitcoin price trading data.

    "Perhaps the reason for that is the lack of big players due to the holidays. However, the chances are high that it is still because of the ongoing cautious selling in the sector: the big players continue to reduce their positions, probably forgetting about it again for a couple of years."

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    Author: Michele Brooks

    Last Updated: 1699278004

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    Name: Michele Brooks

    Birthday: 1947-08-25

    Address: 646 James Spurs Apt. 427, South Chase, MD 60108

    Phone: +3858728178617583

    Job: Air Marshal

    Hobby: Juggling, Magic Tricks, Card Collecting, Fencing, Calligraphy, Running, Singing

    Introduction: My name is Michele Brooks, I am a irreplaceable, brilliant, enterprising, vibrant, talented, risk-taking, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.